プライバシーポリシー / 免責事項等 Privacy Policy / Disclaimer


当サイトでは、Googleが提供している分析ツール「Google Analytics」を利用して、訪問者の行動を分析しています。(Google Analytics のデータのプライバシーとセキュリティについてはコチラ

このGoogle Analyticsはトラフィックデータの収集のためにCookieを使用しています。このトラフィックデータは匿名で収集されており、個人を特定するものではありません。この機能はCookieを無効にすることで収集を拒否することが出来ますので、お使いのブラウザの設定をご確認ください。











当サイトは第三者配信の広告サービス「Google Adsense グーグルアドセンス」を利用しています。


Cookie(クッキー)を無効にする設定およびGoogleアドセンスに関する詳細は「広告 – ポリシーと規約 – Google」をご覧ください。















Acquisition of Personal Information

This website uses Google Analytics, an analysis tool provided by Google, to analyze visitor behavior. (For more information on Google Analytics data privacy and security, click here.)

This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and does not personally identify you. You can refuse the collection of this feature by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings.

Use of Personal Information

This site may ask you to register personal information such as your name (handle name) and e-mail address when you contact us by e-mail.

This personal information will be used to respond to your questions and to contact you by e-mail or other means with necessary information. We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than that for which it was provided.

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Storage of Personal Information

In order to keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date, and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information, we take necessary measures such as maintaining a security system and implement safety measures to strictly manage your personal information.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not disclose your personal information to third parties except in the following cases

When we have the consent of the provider of the information
When required by law
When disclosure of personal information is necessary to prevent fraud or other illegal activities
Disclosure of Personal Information to Customers

If a customer wishes to inquire about, correct, or delete his/her personal information, we will respond to the request after confirming the identity of the customer.

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About the distribution of advertisements

This website uses a third-party advertising service, Google Adsense Google Adsense.

The ad-serving provider may use cookies to display advertisements that are relevant to the interests of users.

Please see “Advertising – Policies and Terms – Google” for settings to disable cookies and more information about Google Adsense.

Third parties may provide content and advertising, collect information directly from visitors, and set or recognize cookies on visitors’ browsers.


The copyrights and portrait rights to the images on this site belong to their respective owners. We do not intend to infringe on their rights. If you have any problems with the content of the articles or images posted on this site, please contact us directly by e-mail. We will respond to you upon confirmation.

If you are transferred from this site to another site by a link or banner, we assume no responsibility for the information, services, etc. provided on the new site.

While every effort is made to ensure that the content and information on this site is as accurate as possible, it is possible that erroneous information may have been included, or that information may be out of date.

Please understand that we are not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the content of this site.

Copyright Notice

We do not waive the copyrights to the information on this site. Quotations from articles on this site may be cited free of charge provided that the source of the quotation is clearly indicated. However, full-text reproduction is not permitted. The scope of permitted quotations is subject to change without prior notice. It is also prohibited to use RSS feeds from this site and plagiarize the contents as they are.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This site will comply with Japanese laws and regulations applicable to personal information, and will make efforts to review and improve this policy as appropriate.

The revised and updated Privacy Policy will always be available on this page.

Contact Us

This site was created through an affiliate program, and we ask that any inquiries or complaints regarding computers or computer-related products be directed to the sales company.

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information on this site, please contact us here.